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We offer a free consultation, we can advise you on all options. In any case, we can negotiate with the judge in order to obtain a reduction jewelry or…
The Villasana Law Firm has earned its reputation throughout the years as being informative, supportive, helpful, and successful. The attorneys are ver…
CFES is a leading provider of expert economic analysis and testimony. Our expert economists and statisticians consult on matters arising in litigation…
Our vision is to provide exceptional service and value to our clients by focusing on core strengths. As an independent boutique firm, we have the free…
Our law firm provides trial and civil litigation services throughout the United States, focusing on Business Law, Employment Law, Health Care Law and…
George Chakmakis has practiced personal injury law since 1992. He has been rated as a Super Lawyer in the field of Personal Injury Law every year sinc…
William graduated from the University of Colorado and received his law degree from Western Michigan University, completing an externship at The Law Of…
Adams Law Firm is a Katy family law and divorce law firm. We have over 3 decades of experience helping Texas with the ups and downs of family law issu…
We began our practice in Kennewick. Establishing ourselves in the Tri-Cities community as a premier provider of legal assistance for people seeking ca…
Mahoney & Richmond, PLLC is a group of Virginia Beach family law attorneys serving clients in a range of matters. Call our capable lawyers today t…